Accepted Regular Papers
- Mobile agent algorithms versus message passing algorithms
Jeremie Chalopin, Emmanuel Godard, Yves Metivier, and Rodrigue Ossamy
- Robust Self-Stabilizing Clustering Algorithm
Colette JOHNEN and Lehuy NGUYEN
- On the Cost of Uniform Protocols whose Memory Consumption is Adaptive to Interval Contention
Burkhard Englert
- Optimistic Algorithms for Partial Database Replication
Nicolas Schiper, Rodrigo Schmidt, and Fernando Pedone
- Incremental Construction of k-Dominating Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mathieu Couture, Michel Barbeau, Prosenjit Bose, and Evangelos Kranakis
- Of malicious motes and suspicious sensors: on the efficiency of
malicious interference in wireless networks
Seth Gilbert, Rachid Guerraoui, and Calvin Newport
- Distributed Spanner Construction in Doubling Metric Spaces
Mirela Damian, Saurav Pandit, and Sriram Pemmaraju
- A New Online Traffic Engineering Routing Algorithm for Bandwidth
Guaranteed Flows
Zhao-wei Meng and Jin-shu Su
- A Topological Treatment of Early-deciding Set Agreement
Rachid Guerraoui, Maurice Herlihy, and Bastian Pochon
- Self-stabilizing Leader Election in Networks of Finite-state Anonymous Agents
Michael John Fischer and Hong Jiang
- Gathering few fat mobile robots in the plane
Jurek Czyzowicz, Leszek Gasieniec, and Andrzej Pelc
- Empire of Colonies Self-Stabilizing and Self-Organizing Distributed Algorithms
Shlomi Dolev and Nir Tzachar
- Robust Random Number Generation for Peer-to-Peer Systems
Baruch Awerbuch and Christian Scheideler
- Renaming with $k$-Set-Consensus: An Optimal Algorithm into $n+k-1$ Slots
Eli Gafni
- When Consensus Meets Self-Stabilization When Consensus Meets Self-Stabilization, Self-Stabilizing Failure-Detector, Consensus and Replicated State-Machine
Shlomi Dolev, Ronen I. Kat, and Elad M. Schiller
- Self-stabilizing Wireless Connected Overlays
Vadim Drabkin, Roy Friedman, and Maria Gradinariu
- Searching for black-hole faults in a network using multiple agents
Colin Cooper, Ralf Klasing, and Tomasz Radzik
- Lifespan of Peer to Peer Networks: models and insight
Rudi Cilibrasi, Zvi Lotker, Alfredo Navarra, Stephane Perennes, and Paul Vitanyi
- Incentive-based Robust Reputation Mechanism for P2P Services
Emmanuelle Anceaume and Aina Ravoaja
- Hop Chains: Secure Routing and the Establishment of Distinct Identities
Rida A. Bazzi, Young-ri Choi, and Mohamed G. Gouda
- Computing on a Partially Eponymous Ring
Marios Mavronicolas, Loizos Michael, and Paul Spirakis
- Optimal clock synchronization revisited: Upper and lower bounds in real-time systems
Heinrich Moser and Ulrich Schmid
- Gathering Asynchronous Mobile Robots with Inaccurate Compasses
Samia Souissi, Xavier Defago, and Masafumi Yamashita
- Distributed Priority Inheritance for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Cesar Sanchez, Henny B. Sipma, Christopher D. Gill, and Zohar Manna
- Safe Termination Detection in an Asynchronous Distributed System when Processes may Crash and Recover
Neeraj Mittal, Kuppahalli L. Phaneesh, and Felix C. Freiling
- Verification Techniques for Distributed Algorithms
Anna Philippou and George Michael
- Glance: A Lightweight Querying Service for Wireless Sensor Networks
Murat Demirbas, Anish Arora, and Vinod Kulathumani
- Lock-free Dynamically Resizable Arrays
Damian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, and Bjarne Stroustrup
- On Many-to-Many Communication in Packet Radio Networks
Bogdan S. Chlebus, Dariusz R. Kowalski, and Tomasz Radzik
Brief Announcements
- Managers for Self-Stabilization without Fairness Assumptions
M.Gradinariu and S.Tixeuil
- A Provably Correct Scalable Concurrent Skip List
M.Herlihy, Y.Lev, V.Luchangco, and N.Shavit
- An Algorithm for Distributing and Retrieving Information in Sensor Networks
H.Miranda, S.Leggio, L.Rodrigues, and K.Raatikainen