General Chair
Ivan Lavallee, U. of Paris 8, France

Program Chair
Alex Shvartsman, U. of Connecticut, USA

Program Committee
James Anderson, U. of North Carolina, USA
Anish Arora, Ohio State U., USA
Hagit Attiya, The Technion, Israel
Joffroy Beauquier, U. of Paris 11, France
Riccardo Bettati, Texas A& M U., USA
Jiannong Cao, Polytechnic U., Hong Kong
Richard Castanet, ENSEIRB Bordeaux, France
Ajoy K Datta, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
Michael Fischer, Yale U., USA
Paola Flocchini, Ottawa U., Canada
Chryssis Georgiou, U. of Cyprus, Cyprus
Mohamed Gouda, U. Texas, USA
Teruo Higashino, Osaka U., Japan
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, U of Paderborn, Germany
Mikhail Nesterenko, Kent State U., USA
Marina Papatriantafilou, Chalmers U., Sweden
Boaz Patt-Shamir, Tel Aviv U., Israel
Andrzej Pelc, U of Quebec, Canada
Giuseppe Prencipe, U. of Pisa, Italy
Sergio Rajsbaum, UNAM, Mexico
Michel Raynal, IRISA, France
Andre Schiper, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Ulrich Schmid, Technical U. of Viena, Austria
Marc Shapiro, INRIA, France
Nir Shavit, Sun Microsystems, USA
David Simplot-Ryl, U. of Lille, France
Paul Spirakis, U. of Patras, Greece
Vincent Villain, U. of Picardie, France
Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Carlos Becker Westphall, U. of St. Catarina, Brazil
Peter Widmayer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Mark Tuttle, Intel, USA

Organizing Committee
Thibault Bernard U. of Reims
Celine Butelle, U. of Paris 8 , France
Nicole Lavallee
Devan Sohier, EPHE, France
Antoine Rollet, ENSEIRB, France (local organization)
Publicity Chair
Antoine Rollet, ENSEIRB Bordeaux, France

Steering Committee
Alain Bui, U. of Reims, France
Marc Bui, EPHE, France
Hacene Fouchal, U. of Antilles-Guyane, France
Roberto Gomez, ITESM-CEM, Mexico
Nicola Santoro, Carleton U., Canada
Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers U., Sweden

Invited Speakers
Amir Pnuelli, Turing award, Institut Weismann, Israel
Butler w. Lampsonn, Turing award, Microsoft
Michel Raynal, IRISA
Gerard Roucairol, Research Director, BULL